
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Amazon Outdoor Toy Favorites

First off friends, how is everyone doing? Like, really, really doing? Despite all of the uncertainty and bad news around us, I myself, am trying to focus on the positive things - two of them being my kids and the abundance of time we now have to enjoy our amazing weather!

Like many of you, I have been thinking of ways to entertain them, while maintaining a social distance barrier. Most of our outdoor time lately has been spent at large green grassy areas in our community as well as in our backyard. Pool season is also coming up soon here so in addition to some fun outdoor toys they can enjoy now, I thought it would also be fun to stock their Easter baskets with a few new pool and water toys.

Double Stomp Rockets- These toys are so much fun - for kids and adults alike! Stomp on the pads with your foot and the "rockets" will fly into the air. This double one is fun because you can duel to see whose rocket goes the highest!  Shop it on Amazon here - under $20!

Inflatable Splash Pad - These look awesome! Even though we have a pool, we still love to play in the sprinklers, especially when its not super hot out yet, and I love how this keeps the water contained and goes around in a circle. Shop it on Amazon here - only $16!

Foam Bow and Arrow - This looks like so much fun for my ten year old! I have friends that have this toy and love it. Something they could play with independently or with other siblings too. Shop it on Amazon here.

Fishing Rods Water Toy - This one looked like so much fun and I love that it can be used really in any body of water (pool, water table, or even the bath!). Shop it on Amazon here - under $10!

Small Unicorn Pool Float - This is guaranteed to make my 3 year old squeal. Shop it on Amazon here - under $13!

Larger Dinosaur Pool Float - For the 10 year old. The prices on these Amazon floats are much less than I've seen in stores. Shop it here - under $20!

Magnetic Tiles - Not technically a outdoor toy, but worth adding to the list! If your kiddo doesn't already have some these, this is a toy that will stand the test of time. This is a really well priced starter set. Shop it on Amazon here - under $28!

And if they already have magnetic tiles - these car and train magnetic bases are AMAZING and take their magnetic tiles to a whole new level - shop them here - less than $9!

Last but certainly not least, is Kinetic Sand. Kinetic sand feels amazing, never dries out and is so fun to mold with sand toys. These 2 pound bags come in so many fun colors and are less than $10 each on Amazon. Shop them here.

I'll also probably be picking up some art refresh things locally next time I visit the grocery store like chalk, glue sticks, paint, and markers. What other things do you plan on putting in your kids Easter Baskets? What are some of your kids favorite outdoor toys lately?

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